Schlagen Gone Wild!
We have had so many submissions from schlagers with fun additions and alternative ways to play Minneschlagen that we thought we would share so you could turn it up a notch. Please continue to submit your ideas (via email, Facebook or Insta DM); we love hearing all of the creative ways you schlag! Schlag On!
Miss Your Nail, Give a Compliment: Every miss of a nail, you must give a compliment to a fellow schlager. “Fellow schlager, you look quite dapper today.” “You are the best schlager in all of the land.” “You look schpectacular today!”
The Social Nail: How it works: in addition to all schlagers' nails, add a nail to somewhere on the log. After each turn you strike your own nail, you then attempt to strike the social nail. If you miss hitting the social nail, you take a sip of soda, milk or tea (or whatever you might be drinking at the time of play - wink, wink, nudge, nudge) if a hit, assign a swig to a fellow schlager playing. This could get out of hand quickly! No max on the amount of social nails used in one game! This could be the most popular of all of the submissions we have received!
BeanBoozled Meet Minneschlagen: With every miss of the nail, schlager must spin the BeanBoozled spinner at your chance at a great or gross tasting jelly bean! *BeanBoozled sold separately.
The Dizzy Schlager: We have all done or at least seen the dizzy bat; well dizzy bat meet Minneschlagen. At each schlager's turn to strike their nail, schlagers must lean over and place their forehead on the end of the bat, spin three times and then attempt to strike your nail! The ol’ dizzy schlager is a fun one for all but be careful with that hammer! We do not suggest hitting the nail with the bat! *bat sold separately.
The Hammer Flip: All schlagers must do a one hand flip of the hammer prior to striking the nail. Must hit the nail as you caught the hammer, no adjusting the grip once caught. You read that right, if you catch the head of the hammer, you use the handle, catch the handle, you use the head. PSA: Hammers have been broken in the process, but rest assured, we sell more on our website.
Size Does Matter? As we all know, there are many sizes of nails out there from finishing nails to Minneschlagen nails. For the youngsters, schlagers in training and jokesters out there, you can swap nails! We suggest our Minneschlagen nails, but a good swap of the nail can create a whole new challenge. *As for hammers, our Minneschlagen hammer was strategically chosen as the right hammer, using a larger hammer can cause negative long-term consequences to the Minneschlagen game. Right Jon?
Protect your Domain, or Nail in this Case: This is a fan favorite, the goal is to be the last nail standing. At each turn, the objective is to hit the other schlager's nail and drive them flush first. Last schlager with their nail standing is deemed winner!
Schlag on fellow Schlagers! Schlag on!
The Minneschlagen Team
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